1. Let Your Smile Build Slowly Its always a good idea to smile when you meet someone, but instantly switching on a 100 watt smile seems phony. Instead, make sure smile build slowly when you make eye contact.
2.Make Strong Eye Contact People tend to trust people who make strong eye contact. If you have trouble making eye contact, make a habit of noting specifics about your prospect's eyes. Note the color, the shape, how far apart they are , the length of the lashes and how often they blink. Answering these questions will help you make strong eye contact with another person. Just make sure you break eye contact occasionally since starring too intently can make people uncomfortable.
3.Select A Good Body Position During the first minute of conversation, slowly rotate your body to completely face the person. The exception would be a man meeting a woman. A man should stop a few degrees short of angling his upper body directly towards her so as not to appear overly aggressive. If you're holding a drink or a plate of food, set it down or hold it down by your side. If you hold it in front of your chest, your arm will block off your body making you seem less open. If you're not sure what to do with your hands, then use gestures when you talk or put them in your pockets. Just don't cross your arms across your chest which makes you seem closed off.
4.Find The Right Space Zone Standing too close to a person can make them feel uneasy. Stand too far and they won't feel connected. So the average distance you should stand in front of a new person is about 26 to 28 inches away. Keeping moving closer until you detect discomfort in their eyes. Then ease back slightly until you see the discomfort disappear.
5. How To Shake Hands When you shake hands, very gently touch your forefinger to the other person's wrist. Gently touching it fosters a feeling of warmth and closeness even though the other person may not be conscious of it.
6.Treat Business Cards With Respect A business card represents a person's professional accomplishments. Showing respect for the card shows respect for the person. When you are handed a card,
imagine it as a delicate precious gift. Hold it gently in your hands. Pause to read it, then carefully place it in your briefcase, wallet or purse. Never just jam a card into your pocket.
7. How To Begin A Conversation Questions that make great icebreakers are "What do you do?" Followed by "How did you decide you wanted to do that?" To couples say, 'How did you two meet?"
8.Slowly Nod When People Speak This sends a message of acceptance and encouragement which makes people feel more at ease. Just do not nod if a man or woman is saying something with which you disagree.
Keep in mind that women tend to interpret nodding as "I understand" not "I agree."
9.Pay Attention To Small Talk If someone says, "At least the rain is good for my plants," seize on the word plants and say "Do you have a garden?" Or if someone says, "It's been too hot to walk my dogs," say "what kind of dog do you have?" Small talk is a good conversation starter.
10. Use The Same Speaking Terms If a parent refers to her offspring as her "child" do not refer to the child as her "little one" or "baby". If someone refers to his lively hood as a "profession" do not refer to it as a "job" or a "career".
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