1.Lousy Success Rates - Analysis of the the top 12 multilevel marketing companies shows an average success rate of just 0.3%. Since the average success rate of a conventional business is 50%, multilevel marketing should be avoided at all costs. Because you can increase your chance of success starting a conventional business by 200%..
2. A Non-Exclusive Product with an unprotected territory sold to an endless number of people is a recipe for a lot of people working for free or next to nothing.
3. Overpriced And Over-Hyped Products On average, products sold through network marketing cost 500% to 600% more than their store bought counterparts.
4. Deceptive Compensation Plans 99% of the people pushing an opportunity can't explain the compensation plan. That's because its a clever and effective way to steal from the distributor sales force.
Almost every multilevel company does not pay commissions on products sold. Instead, they assign a Point Value (PV) or Commission Value ( CV) to every sale. In many cases, when someone orders a $100 worth of products, your PV or CV may only be $50 to $80. Then your PV or CV is subject to "breakage". Breakage occurs in a number of ways but the results are always the same. You end up not being paid on volume generated in your down line because you did not "qualify" to earn commissions through deceptive means.
Based on these facts, network marketing should be avoided like the plague.
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Monday, July 18, 2016
Does Scotchguard Really Work ?
DID YOU KNOW that one of the best ‘feel good’ experiences you can enjoy is having freshly-cleaned carpet or furniture?
And one of the most frustrating experiences you won’t enjoy is when, within just a few days, something like red wine, coffee or tea is spilled on that freshly-cleaned carpet or furniture.
This is not good!
So you feverishly apply all kinds of household cleaning products and scrub in desperation. That spot does look a little better but it is still there. You have an important appointment so you give up. When coming home a few hours later… it has grown! (This is another mystery and you might want to ask your carpet cleaning pro why this happens.)
All of this drama could have been avoided if you had asked for fabric protection when you had your carpet or furniture cleaned. You know, like Scotchgard or Teflon or some of the other products available to consumers.
Yes, fabric protection does cost a little bit more but… it’s worth it!
How does it work?
Fabric protection is quite a mystery to many, but basically what it does is act as a kind of invisible shield that repels most substances that are spilled.
You might compare this to waxing a car. You are providing protection to your paint job by applying an invisible shield, and you know it is working because you can see water beading up on the surface.
Carpet and furniture fabrics need the same type of protection.
Besides the obvious immediate benefit of cleaning up fresh spills, you can rest assured that a protected carpet or piece of furniture is going to last longer because when something is clean, it performs better and increases the lifetime of the fabric.
This doesn’t mean you can skip regular cleaning. Anything that is dirty will wear out prematurely. Fabric protection enhances a good cleaning. It’s an added step that you want for your carpet and furniture in your home.
So you want peace of mind? Then give us a call. Since we are Hamilton, Princeton and Yardley's most trusted organic carpet cleaner, we always include all natural fabric protector free of charge with every carpet, upholstery or drapery cleaning assignment. And we're one of the only carpet cleaning companies that back every residential job with a one year written warranty. So if your spots come back, then so do we. .
And one of the most frustrating experiences you won’t enjoy is when, within just a few days, something like red wine, coffee or tea is spilled on that freshly-cleaned carpet or furniture.
This is not good!
So you feverishly apply all kinds of household cleaning products and scrub in desperation. That spot does look a little better but it is still there. You have an important appointment so you give up. When coming home a few hours later… it has grown! (This is another mystery and you might want to ask your carpet cleaning pro why this happens.)
All of this drama could have been avoided if you had asked for fabric protection when you had your carpet or furniture cleaned. You know, like Scotchgard or Teflon or some of the other products available to consumers.
Yes, fabric protection does cost a little bit more but… it’s worth it!
How does it work?
Fabric protection is quite a mystery to many, but basically what it does is act as a kind of invisible shield that repels most substances that are spilled.
You might compare this to waxing a car. You are providing protection to your paint job by applying an invisible shield, and you know it is working because you can see water beading up on the surface.
Carpet and furniture fabrics need the same type of protection.
Besides the obvious immediate benefit of cleaning up fresh spills, you can rest assured that a protected carpet or piece of furniture is going to last longer because when something is clean, it performs better and increases the lifetime of the fabric.
This doesn’t mean you can skip regular cleaning. Anything that is dirty will wear out prematurely. Fabric protection enhances a good cleaning. It’s an added step that you want for your carpet and furniture in your home.
So you want peace of mind? Then give us a call. Since we are Hamilton, Princeton and Yardley's most trusted organic carpet cleaner, we always include all natural fabric protector free of charge with every carpet, upholstery or drapery cleaning assignment. And we're one of the only carpet cleaning companies that back every residential job with a one year written warranty. So if your spots come back, then so do we. .
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