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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How Ordinary People Get Parts In Commercials, TV Shows and Movies And Make Up To $600 A Day Or More

You don't have to move to Hollywood or New York City and don't need movie star good looks. While it's true that movies and TV  shows feature people in their 20's, it's a lot easier for older actors to land jobs outside of Los Angeles. Also, most professional acting jobs are parts in local commercials and corporate training films. In addition, directors want actors that look like ordinary people. As an extra, you can earn from $50 to $75 a day, and a principal role pays $600 a day or more.

Three places to find work are the websites of state and city film offices, casting directors, and talent agencies. Type in "film office" of your state or city in Google for job announcements. You can also Google the term "casting director" and t he name of your state or city to find out if they have "open calls" or auditions open to anyone interested in trying out. Plus talent agencies have print departments which help actors and models find work.A good place to find talent agencies is the website of the Screen Actors Guild. At www.Sagaftra.org   click on the "Union Info" menu, then click on "Agency Relations" then choose "SAG Franchised Agents".Then at the top of the page click on"Locals" and choose your geographical area. After that, choose "Local Resources" and pick from "Casting Directors", "SAG Franchised Agents" and "AFTRA Franchised Agents". Just make sure that you take some acting lessons before you approach a talent agency. Just Google "acting lessons" with your state or city. A 4 to 6 week class should cost just  $100 to $300. A class focused on camera acting for commercials and corporate training films will be useful if you want to launch a part-time acting career and you don't live near NY or LA.  Know that  agents won't recommend you to casting directors over their existing clients unless they are confident you know what you're doing.

Before you visit a talent agent or casting director, make sure to rehearse a shot monologue that fit your age and looks. Monologue books can be found at libraries, bookstores or online. And most of all, be persistent. The actors or actresses who find work tend to be the ones who audition as frequently as possible. They also monitor their regional film office websites on a regular basis.  

Keep in mind that there is work for actors who have little training and experience. But to land better roles, you'll need some experience. The best way to get it is to take roles in local amateur  theater productions.

When you audition, dress for the role you hope to land. Also, arrive 15 minutes early because the script is usually not provided to you until you arrive. A good tip is to not try and memorize the script unless it's just a few sentences. 

Also, make sure you bring a resume to the audition detailing your acting experience and training. Just type the words "actor's resume"in Google  to see how it should be structured. And finally, bring a professional head shot to the audition as well. A talent agent should be able to recommend an area photographer. Expect to pay $175 to $400 which usually includes the cost of a professional makeup artist. Just follow these tips and we may see you on the silver screen.

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